
San Diego International Comic-Con’s current branding hasn’t been updated since 1995. It uses color sparingly and relies on overt cliche comic book elements. With this conceptual rebrand, I honored the event’s history as the worlds first comic book convention while reflecting the magnitude of the event as the mecca of all things pop culture.


Logo Design
Event Branding

Related Project
CCIIFF Micro Identity

For the logotype, I researched comic book structures and turned them into grids before experimenting with letter forms.


The posters utilize shapes based off the counter space of the O and the main image showcases the people that are integral to Comicon's existence. To integrate these images I applied gradient maps to make the people appear as patterns upon first pass.


For the office space, I wanted the architecture to mimic the logotype and I enlarged the primary pattern across it. Instead of using a monochrome here, the goal was to make work feel as fun and bold as the event itself.